Reflections from the Franciscan Minims. Old Issues: 2001--2005. Bi-monthly magazine

Reflections: Bimonthly magazine: March 2001 --- Reflections: July 2001 -- Reflections: March 2002 (Julian of Norwich: Bermuda Triangle) -- Reflections: July 2002 -- Reflections: Sept.-Oct. 2002 -- Reflections: Nov.-Dec. 2002
-- Reflections: Jan.-Feb. 2003
Reflections: March--April 2003
Reflections: May--June 2003
-- Reflections: July--August 2003
-- Reflections: Sept.-Oct. 2003: Holy Hour. Sacred Heart.
Reflections: Nov.-Dec. 2003: Hope for Poor Sinners
Reflections: Jan.-Feb. 2004: Call for Expiation
Reflections: March--April 2004: Mary Magdalen
Reflections: May--June 2004: Sacred Heart: St. Gertrude
Reflections: July--August 2004: Longing for Paradise: Passion Movie
Reflections: Sept.--Oct. 2004: Having the Same Sentiments as Jesus Christ
Reflections: Nov.--Dec. 2004: Divine Puzzles: The Book of Job.
Reflections: Jan.--Feb. 2005: Report from Pennsylvania. Consecration of Victimhood.
Reflections: March--April 2005: Remedies against Pride. Great Shipwreck.

Why did the magazine Reflections cease to exist in 2005? -- Answer: Copy of a Letter

----- Atonement Booklets on Gloria TV

Message of 1969 to the Messenger of Jesus in Mexico
Further Messages to the Messenger
Legion of Victim Souls
My Best Book, Ch. 1--4
My Best Book, Ch. 5--8
My Best Book, Ch. 9--12

Laments of Jesus, Victim
Penitential Rosary

Warnings and Voices from Beyond the Grave

Novena in Honor of Our Lady of Perpetual Help
1--2--3 -- 4--5--6 -- 7--8--9

Messages from Heaven: 1969--1970: -- Download PDF

How My Father Was Converted

Notice: Charles Reed is the pseudonym of John Henderson Stansberry, a former religious brother in the congregation of the Franciscan Minims in Mexico City. In the year 1978, (one year before the death of Maria Concepcion), a tragic incident happened in the congregation. Many years later John still felt guilty about it, and determined to write a report. Eventually the document turned into a short book, named "Mount Zion Revisited." The pseudonym Charles was used to protect the good reputation of all the persons involved. It is available in PDF format on the web. Writings of Charles Reed also include translations and short antholigies that he made, and editorials of the magazine "Reflections from the Franciscan Minims" published in English in Mexico City from 1990 to 2005. The magazine had a circulation of about 300, in the United States, Canada, Europe, Asia and Africa.

"Mount Zion Revisited" was written as a roman a clef (novel with a key), in order to make known controversial topics, and to report inside information about scandal and abuse of power, without harming the good reputation of those involved, living and deceased.

Writings of Charles Reed -

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