1969 - 1970
Electronic Edition
May it be for the glory of God!
Imprimi Potest:
Sac. F. J. Gaudze, m.f., Superior
Die 27 Jun 1979
Vergel, Mexico
In my office as Superior of the Franciscan Minim nuns of the Perpetual Help of Mary, the House of Atonement and by indication of Our Lord, I have in my possession as a representative of the Community and for their publication, all the documents of the Messenger.
We received these messages with the assignment of procuring their maximum dissemination. That is why, initially, we distributed each one as a mimeographed "extra" of "Estrella" and we have reproduced them in that magazine and by every way possible, asking as many others as may be able to, to do the same.
The book, "Messages from Heaven to the Messenger of Jesus in Mexico," is the official version of the same and has been approved and authorized as such by the messenger, including the corrections in style and the editorial and typographical changes it was necessary to make to the original versions cited as sources. We do not accept responsibility for the fidelity of other editions that will be only as reliable inasmuch as they adhere to this one. The same can be said for the other parts of the book.
When she delivered the originals, she demonstrated satisfactorily that she had the permission of her spiritual director and the authorization of her bishop so that all of it might be published and disseminated in any language, totally or partially, but without changing the text or altering the meaning. For that reason they were then published in "Estrella" and have been widely reproduced. On the other hand authorization has not been give us to reveal names and they will not be made known.
It is urgent that you help to disseminate the messages. God will reward you very generously.
Maria Concepcion Zuniga Lopez
God has given to His Mexican Messenger some urgent messages for everyone, indicating that humanity is in grave danger and that our salvation is in uniting ourselves to the Works of Atonement. From March 1969 through April 1970 God Our Lord has deigned to send us urgent messages so each of us might atone to Divine Justice for the good and the salvation of the greatest number of people and for the repeal of a divine, universal, terrible and approaching punishment.
All of us can unite spiritually to the Works of Atonement in varying degrees whether it be by simply offering prayers and penances for that intention or forming special, private Prayer Groups or, better still, by offering oneself to Divine Justice as a victim soul or entering the Order of Atonement.
Rev. Mother Zuniga is the Foundress of the Franciscan Minim Nuns of the Perpetual Help of Mary to whom in a direct and special way these messages apply because in them are the principles of the Works of Atonement. The messages as well, by the Divine will, form the root and trunk of all the subsequent foundations of the Work, the most beloved of the Heart of Christ.
This religious Order was founded as a Pious Union in Zamora, Michoacan, Mexico on June 24, 1942. Through trials permitted by Divine Providence it was disbanded October 23, 1951, although it never ceased to exist canonically. With the express authorization of the Sacred Congregation of Religious, dated October 1963, it was founded a second time in Chilapa, Guerrero, Mexico in January 1964 after R. M. Zuniga made a trip to Rome under the auspices of His Excellency, Sr. Jose G. Anaya, then Bishop of Zamora, who had earlier disbanded it.
Later it moved to the Federal District of the Mexican Republic on the outskirts of Mexico City at the foot of Guerrero hill, near Tepeyac, where Our Lady of Guadalupe appeared and is venerated in Her famous Basilica. Their site is known as the "Vergel of the Immaculate Virgin of Guadalupe," or, for brevity, simply, the Vergel.
In time the messages were reproduced under the general title of, "Messages from Heaven," with important notes and commentaries. Little by little, with the providential cooperation of people, groups and organizations all over the world, the task of disseminating the messages went on, doing a great deal of good.
This edition, besides preserving all its documentary value, preserves the original flavor of the messages with their environment and framed in the events surrounding them. They are published again just as they were made known the first time, with all the spontaneity and the clear reflection of the haste and lack of preparation with which they were published immediately after each one was delivered.
Truly we are in decisive moments of sorrowful upheavals and expectations and fear, as Christ Our Lord described to us in the Holy Gospel when He announced that a time would come when those in a single house would be divided "two against three."
It is undeniable that all the prophecies, ancient and modern, official and private, are being fulfilled. The wheat mixed with the chaff. . . But, it looks so much like the time of the harvest has come, with the angels struggling with the enemy that infiltrated when those assigned to care for the vineyards of the Lord were sleeping.
The moment has arrived when nothing is concealed. In recent messages we are warned to withdraw from false pastors and prophets. The Blessed Virgin said to the messenger, "You, my children, must fight as well, withdrawing from false pastors and prophets. He [Christ] and I want you all to fight as Michael and his angels are doing, against your enemies who are the fallen angels."
We recommend that you read these messages slowly and meditate on them conscientiously without losing heart if they should touch some open wound of your falls, rather, desiring to be converted in truth to God!
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