They have asked that I enumerate what I have received recently from Our Lord and I am doing so, considering it to be for His greater glory.
I declare that, since many years ago, when I was still a child, Jesus has been speaking to me a great deal and, since then, He has been telling me of an ardent desire of His Heart that consists in a religious order’s being founded in Mexico that would be known as one of Atonement.
That He had asked it of several souls but they did not give it to Him. And that this religious order would have a very close relationship with His plans for the salvation of souls and that it would be established solemnly in the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe by an express command of the Pope. He instructed me a great deal about this order.
He has also spoken to me about His plans to prepare for the end of time, assuring me that one of the principal things must be that same religious Order of Atonement that must have two branches: the feminine, more contemplative than active, and the masculine, more active than contemplative, because the latter would be for priests, untiring missionaries throughout the world.
But the condition of those missionaries must be under a very strict rule of poverty and humility. That they must exercise their ministry and their apostolate gratuitously to restore in the world, genuinely, the spirit of the Holy Gospel, as Jesus and His disciples did.
That they should not have prelacies or churches under their jurisdiction. That they should be humble servants who obey the Pope invariably. Because these religious precisely will be devoted to the Papacy. They will defend the Church from errors and schisms, working for the union of all in the only true Church, which is the Apostolic Roman Catholic Church.
They will be, so to speak, like loyal soldiers of the Vicar of Christ who battle against the antichrist. And these priests and nuns must make perpetual vows of adherence to the Pope and also of offering themselves to Divine Justice as victims in union with the Divine Victim, Christ.
Well then: everything about this that God Our Lord has deigned to reveal to me and about other most beautiful things concerning Divine Justice and other things, I had always kept hidden and had made them known only to my spiritual directors.
But recently He Himself has told me that I should publish everything, because the Day of Judgment is very close and also because the day of my death approaches and these things must be known. I have spoken of this since the first day I sent the message pertaining to March 24 of this year to the magazine, "Estrella."
And later Our Lord told me and made me understand that I should publish as well all He has told me in other times.
Well then, I must begin with what, more or less, I have received from God in recent years and that is related to the same: reparation, atonement, warning about Judgment Day, etc. Because, although, I repeat, His Divine Majesty has always spoken of this to me, recently He began to tell me that it was urgent to warn the Holy Father especially that the last day of time is near.
April 24, 1965
I was at Holy Mass that morning, with my spiritual director celebrating it and, at the time for the Canon, Jesus came to me with His presence very sensibly felt and took me outside myself as in an ecstasy and told me to tell my bishop so he could have the Holy Father told that the foundation of Atonement is urgent, because the Day of Final Judgment was very close.
But that first he would come as Teacher and Savior and would walk on earth precisely as He did in the days at the time of His Resurrection and before His Ascension into Heaven.
That He will reveal the day and the hour only to the Holy Father, but that there would be an unmistakable sign preceding it for everyone, and that sign would be this: the Consecrated Hosts would fly to Heaven. And that this would be simultaneous all over the world. That they will disappear even from the hands of the priest officiating or from the tongue of the recipient.
That, when this should happen, everyone should be aware that His Second Coming among us was at the doors. And that His coming had to be on an Easter Sunday.
That, at that time, He would come to prepare men, and He would reserve to Himself the celebrating of Holy Mass and He would do so entering even through the closed doors of houses. That thus it would be known that He is the Christ and not of the impostors. That is why, in the Holy Gospel, He left this sign indicated: "from the east to the west," it will be known where He is.
That this stay of Jesus visibly will be a short time and He will do it to give us a truce to correct ourselves and repent of our sins and of the abuses we have made of His love and mercy.
That same year, 1965, on November 11, Our Lord returned to insist to me that I go back to writing to my superiors, telling them the same thing, that is, that it is urgent to realize the Work of Atonement because the final day of time is near and that this Work must be His precursor in the world.
I have always sent these messages of conscience on but, nevertheless, I remain in peace even though the things that are asked on the part of Our Lord may not be fulfilled by His children, although I suffer on seeing that they do not give Him what He asks, but, as for me, I remain in peace. I do desire, indeed, to see this desire of Our Lord fulfilled! I offer my sacrifices for that very purpose because such a desire, shared with the very Heart of Jesus, is like a dagger that causes martyrdom. But it is offered to Him with delight and I hope that, although I may leave the earth before seeing that desire of Jesus realized, I will see it from Heaven and I even hope to help then more than now!
Now He wants this desire of His Heart made known to everyone, surely to awaken everyone’s interest in it. Because, certainly, so this may be realized, it is necessary for each one to do what is possible to him.
Because, perhaps a general petition should be sent to the Holy Father, above all on the part of we Mexicans who have been favored with these warnings and these divine petitions. Because, as He said to me on one occasion, He wants "to unite Rome and Mexico closely," by means, He says, "of His Blessed Mother and of the Work of Atonement that must be universal."
In July 1966, while going through the streets thinking that it was necessary to undertake pre-vocational conferences among groups of young people, Our Lord approached me and said these words clearly to me:
"Nothing is lacking now but to love and to suffer for My love."
It was as though He was telling me that the last day of time was so close that we should now concern ourselves solely in loving Him and offering sacrifices for His love.
During those same days in 1966, when we (our community) were experiencing some annoyances and difficulties He told me, too:
"Do you not see that there is a lack of souls who will let Me do with them as I will? Let Me do what I will with you, daughter!"
This is something Our Lord teaches me often.
That same year of 1966, on entering a church for Holy Mass and seeing very few people, I was deeply saddened. Then He said to me:
"No one follows my doctrine any more. No one remembers My words. It seems as though faith has been extinguished on earth."
Several times in 1967 Our Lord told me that it was necessary to work for the canonical foundation of Atonement in the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe.
The Blessed Virgin, too, spoke to me with respect to this in December of 1967. As I was contemplating an image of Her that has Her Heart over Her breast and Her hands extended in a gesture of protection, She said to me:
"Thus I will cover Mexico with My maternal shadow. I will embrace her with My most affectionate efforts. I will defend her from the devil in present and future diabolical snares. But I want My foundation of Atonement soon! Insist, daughter, although you may have much to suffer!"