On Saturday, July 13 of last year, 1968, when I was on a bus and observing the immorality of so many people, Jesus approached me and said to me very clearly:
"These people arouse My compassion."
Then He made me remember what he had already told me in 1965, that He would have to come back to walk personally among men to teach them again of what spirit we should be. Then, not with words, but with great infused clarity, He made me understand all this:
First: That, just as when He ascended into Heaven, He told His disciples He would come back again, I understood that He is going to come soon to walk among us just as He did during the forty days before His ascent into Heaven.
He will come and He will again preach His doctrine so the majority may be converted, that almost all will be converted, as He desires. Thus the devil will be defeated and that is when the Jews will be converted and the atheists and the schismatics will return to the primitive Christian spirit.
But before that happens, we must obtain, with penance, this very great grace. That is why it is urgent that the Legion of Victim Souls be spread. Because this Legion will battle against the diabolical legions and the antichrist who is already unleashing his warfare against the Church.
Second: I understood that it will be during this time when Jesus will be visible on earth that the Hosts will fly to Heaven, because He will be present and priests will no longer consecrate. He alone will have that right and they will fulfill their ministry administering the other Sacraments, but that Sacrament He alone will give, wherever He wills. There He will celebrate it and He will give Himself in Communion, indeed, where and to whom He well knows He should be given.
And that this will take place simultaneously in different parts of the world and it will be an unmistakable sign, because it will be known immediately by current means of communication: television, the press, radio, etc. And thus those who arise falsely calling themselves Christs will be unmasked. That is why He said that the sign would be "from the east to the west" because He alone, because He is God, has the grace of being everywhere.
That will be the most fortunate epoch of time. He will visit homes, communities and the most forgotten persons. There He will be to pour out His love on them and His words to save them.
And He will appear at times among His enemies when they may be secretly plotting war against His Church and thus they will be converted, because He will accuse them openly of their wiles and wickedness. And Jesus will do all this because "these people arouse His compassion." That is, that we do not understand how we should be and He wants to do His utmost for our salvation.
Then all nations will recognize Him and will yield to His doctrine and will glorify His Divine Justice. Christ at that time will not be like a victim, but like a teacher, to teach for the last time before coming as judge in His glory and majesty with the angels, the last day of the reckoning of consciences of all peoples.
He will govern first with the scepter of a priest and later as the eternal King and He will condemn the demons and the reprobate to eternal punishment for not having given themselves up to His love nor having kept the Ten Commandments and the evangelical perfections.
Third: I understood those words of Christ in the Gospel: "But yet the Son of man, when he cometh, shall he find, think you, faith on earth?" He meant precisely when He comes at this time, or rather, in His Second, but not His last, Coming, because the last time will be His Third Coming, as judge. Because He must come still moved by His great mercy because we arouse His compassion and He is coming to help us. But if, at that time, we do not understand and do not correct ourselves, His Justice, that is His Final Judgment, will give to each one what he may deserve, reward or punishment.
Because when He comes among us again to teach us the ways of virtue, many will amend, although now is the best time to amend, because now there is more merit in pure faith.
Now, when we are battling with diabolical seductions and heresies! Now is the time of great merit for those who persevere faithful in doctrine and in virtue. Right now, I understood, is when it is urgent that the Legion of Victim Souls of Divine Justice be spread! Humble and poor missionaries, the Franciscan Minims who, despising wealth and honors, work solely for the Kingdom of God are urgent!
I understood that these times are now at hand.
I understood all this while at Holy Mass in the Church of St. Joseph at 10 in the morning.