Now I am going to copy, too, some notes of that same year of 1932, on the 11th of November. This time it was something so deeply felt by me because it was at midnight and Jesus complained in a voice that made me cry and feel His own pain. He awakened me and said to me:
"My spouse, listen to Me. O, My beloved. . .My Victim Heart is tired of the ingratitude of My loved ones! I am not speaking to you of the wickedness of the impious, but of the malice of Christians.
"I am going to reveal to you openly the situation in the world so you may better understand My mystical passion as a victim immolated for the world, as a King, a martyr of My charity for souls and as a God scorned by My creatures.
"I have used all My wisdom in providing everyone the means to acquire the joys of My eternal Kingdom, all My tenderness in attracting them, My kindness and My mercy, My riches. . .My magnificence and My love!
"I have done for all what I would have done solely for My elect and, for each one, what I did for all!
"For all I gave an example in the way through this world. For all I ascended into Heaven, returning to the Bosom of the Father, and for all I performed the miracle of the Holy Eucharist to remain here with them. For all, not just for some, I am enclosed in the august Sacrament of the Altar.
"For all I instituted My privileged priesthood. And for all, the holy Church with her aids of indefectible virtue and the only hope for eternity. For all I gave My words of salvation and of life contained in the Gospel of the Law of Grace and of Love, and which, with all clarity, I made known in those words: ‘Love one another and abide in Me, that we may be one in Me, as My Father and I are one.’
"But, O, My spouse. . .! What have they done with My word, My doctrine, My desires, but mockery and crime and treason?"
(Here I must explain something: at that time I was so young and ignorant of so many things that I wondered about these revelations Our Lord was making to me and that is why He was instructing me, explaining to me, as on this occasion, for He continued saying to me:)
"Look, My beloved family, My Church, was established. My Kingdom was built and extended in souls. But the eternal enemy, entering into the accursed race
(thus He calls His own Jewish race and, on other occasions, He had told me to call it that, because they themselves wanted to be called "cursed" when they said: "His Blood be on us") by their deicide, took power of her (of the Church) and came to sow division in My family, in which, factions arising, it began to be undermined from within."I do not complain about the enemy or his followers for all of them are ‘accursed.’ I complain of those who, being Mine, have seconded the action of evil.
"Remember My words that made everything known to alert My loved ones. Then, why have they been scandalized and scandalized others and let themselves be scandalized? If I had not warned them, they would be less responsible, but now, how will they excuse themselves? Their works will judge them on the last day!
"Did I not given the Holy Ark?
(Here Jesus refers to His Church.) Have I not helped them with pastors? I have not even ceased pouring out miracles of love that they have not known how to receive with a pure heart."(Our Lord speaks of the different apparitions of the Blessed Virgin and of Himself in the world, speaking and warning as He is still doing now.)
"Of all these, My spouse, do you know which are those who have behaved themselves in that way, the ungrateful ones?
"All those who have been marked with My Redemptive Blood in Baptism and all those who have received the good news of the Gospel and who, nevertheless, have not wanted to remain within My Law, in the bosom of My apostolic Roman Catholic Church
(Our Lord refers to schismatics), thus falling into the snares of the accursed ones who seek the ruin of souls."These are the ones I want to save by means of My love for justice, extending the Legion of Victim Souls who offer themselves to My Divine Justice for all of them.
"Among those ungrateful ones of all peoples and of all races, even of the unfaithful and deicidal people, there are sworn enemies of My Kingdom and perverse workers under the command of the devil himself, whose plans I will make known to you.
(I thought Our Lord Himself was going to reveal these plans to me, but it was not so. Rather, at that time, certainly by providential coincidences, a book titled, "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion," came into my hands. Reading it, I understood that these were the diabolical plans of which Jesus had spoken to me. Then He confirmed it to me.) They oppress their brothers, linked as they are to My redemptive Blood, and seek the kingdom of My enemy."That is, Jesus refers to those who, being Catholics, yield themselves to seconding in one way or another those diabolical plans, whether for convenience or for any other reason.
Then, full of tenderness, Jesus added: "These, too, I want to save. So immense is the love of My Victim Heart!
"Some are seduced by a vile passion, others are blinded by error. I want to unite them all, heretics or not, converting them to the true faith of My doctrine, that is only in the Church I founded, under the rule only of My Vicar on earth. Because, at the end of time, there must be only one fold under one shepherd.
"To work at this task I want the children of My Order, the most beloved Order of My Heart, the Order of victims. . . the Order of My Heart under the mantle of Mary of Perpetual Help and following the evangelical rule of My servant, Francis of Assisi.
"With this legion of faithful servants, with the dissemination of the offering of victims in the world, the works of sanctity of just souls, through the merits of My Redemption, will succeed in increasing. And, before My Justice, this will be a way to repay the debts of the wickedness of humanity and to obtain many graces before Judgment day comes.
"For when it comes, I, the merciful Victim now, will then be an inflexible judge of justice without appeal.
"Then I will condemn the obstinate with the wicked, not to the triumph they dream of, but to slavery under the king of Hell and this for all eternity.
"But all those I find in the flock of My elect I will judge with less rigor and I will be all love for those I find sheltered under the mantle of Mary and those will be the peoples, the groups who had Her as their Patroness and the souls who have most loved and served Her.
"And I will look with exclusive predilection at those devoted to Her Perpetual Help, those who are the children of My Order, the Legion of Victim Souls and all those who may have helped, seconded and supported their works of unification, just as My Blessed Mother wants it and My Heart ardently desires it.
"I will still be with you for a little longer as a victim, but there is little time left, My beloved. It is necessary to hasten your efforts. It is necessary to be prepared, because the final hour is not far off.
"I have told everything to everyone so they might be prepared and not caught off guard. The beginnings of the end have already been realized and are being realized now. My last work of Redemption is this that I have asked of you and of which I have instructed you! Thus, consider the shortness of time!"