My dear brothers and sisters: soon I am thinking of writing for you the most sublime revelations of the continuation of victim souls in the other life, that is, the heroic souls who, after they die here, have offered themselves to suffer and atone until the end of time, those who have a place where they live continuing their sacrifice, where they are immolated, and there, as my Jesus has deigned to make known to me, those souls are a very perfect imitation of Him in the Eucharistic Host. All these very beautiful secret things are revelations of the Heart of our Divine Jesus, who, when He makes them known, does it for everyone, as He says, "For My Church."
I am now going to transcribe and relate, with all the details, the most sublime revelations concerning the continuation of victimhood after the person so offered, with that generosity, has left earth. That most happy person, or rather, that soul, who merits going to Heaven to enjoy God and the beatific vision and to rest, realizes its mission as victim in the most perfect form possible to a human creature. One of these souls is little St. Therese of Lisieux, who in her agony prophesied and said to her Mother Superior: "I feel that my mission is about to begin; I will spend my Heaven doing good on earth."
When for the first time my Jesus revealed this mystery to me, I was extremely amazed, or rather: I marveled. It was in the year 1937. My notes have the date of February 11. Our Lord permitted me to see the figure of His Excellency, the Archbishop Primate of Mexico, Pascual Diaz Barreto, who died not long before. (I do not now remember the date of his death.) In that vision, I remember that I saw the Archbishop as in a halo of light and of glory. When I was shown him and recognized him, my Jesus said to me: "This soul is now in My Church the victim who most glorifies my heavenly Father, in union with me. Look, here in this place of expiation, of purification, my beloved victim souls prolong their mission; those who are no longer capable of suffering on earth, because their charity sweetens every chalice (of suffering). They come here to continue their victimhood: here where suffering cannot be diminished, even by love, which, at the same time is perfect. Then, write this: write that no human work gives such glory to God, as to come to this place to suffer for love and for souls, to be co-redeemers together with Me. Do you know where I suffer what these souls suffer here? In the Holy Eucharist. That is a purgatory for me. That is where I am a Victim; there I purge the sins of the world; there I am the Host of expiation, and the souls in this place are my most perfect image. Although subject to suffering, they have complete perfection in themselves, and the right to glory. And the consolation these souls experience when they offer themselves as suffrage for souls, is equal to that I receive when a soul receives me worthily in Holy Communion."
I was astounded at such revelations, and, in the meantime, there was in front of me the vision of His Excellency, the Archbishop, whom I loved very much in Christ and who had been my spiritual director. And I knew very well that he offered himself as a victim in the year 1931. Then Jesus asked me if I wished to go to that place, or would I rather, at my death, go directly to Heaven. I told Him that I did not know where it was more meritorious to go, and where it would give greater glory to God, and be better for my soul. And He answered me thus:
"The glory would be the same for you, as regards the degree of perfection that, from all eternity, my divine Justice requires of you. But, for each instant of your victimhood in Purgatory (accepted now voluntarily on your part) you will honor me and serve me much more, than by means of a long life of penance, prayer and virtue. And I will be more pleased with you, and you will console My Heart more, than if you were in Heaven at the side of My glorious Humanity. Even more: this will be more honor for Me than if you were to die at the point of a sword in great torments during the martyrdom of your body. For this is a martyrdom of the soul, the martyrdom of perfect love: charity and immolation in all their fullness. Here you suffer meriting nothing, just glorifying God, for the merit will be in the moment of your offering yourself as a victim voluntarily."
On hearing this reasoning, I feared that this voice was not that of Our Lord, because I could not comprehend how a soul could glorify God, and yet not really merit anything. Then my Jesus, who sees our thoughts, said to me: "Do you think that when I attract a soul to this place and state of perfect oblation, any other merit than mine is necessary? If the soul and I, then, form a perfect fusion, My merits are those of the soul and the martyrdom of the soul is mine. My Father then sees my perfect image in that victim soul, and through my merits, his merits exist."
Concerning this same theme, that of victimhood in Purgatory, on May 19, 1937 (or 1938), one day on receiving Communion, I felt the presence of His Excellency, Diaz Barreto. It was the anniversary of his death, and I had offered the holy Mass for him, and was also going to offer my Communion. Feeling that presence next to me and hearing his paternal words of gratitude for me, it made me wonder if what I was feeling was the presence of Jesus Himself; only there was a distinctively different feature: I felt strong heat near me. Then the soul of His Excellency said to me: "No, do not believe that it is the Lord, for the spiritual fluctuation of my presence lets you know that it is a soul who suffers the torment of victims."
That was when I recognized that it was His Excellency, and it occurred to me to ask him if he had great desires to leave that place and go to Heaven, and he answered me: "There is nothing restraining my will; but here, above all, the divine designs are loved, and the immense suffering is cause for rejoicing."
Thus, my brothers and sisters in Christ: let us leave pending the continuation of the communication of these most exalted things, that God Our Lord wishes to reveal to us.