In the year 1933, on the Feast of the Ascension of Our Lord, Thursday, May 25, He said to me: "One day, like this, I will carry you to Heaven." Then He said some words to me, so delicate that it causes me pain to declare them: but it is because Jesus is so incomparably loving. Then He added: "My love for justice is what justifies the miserable ones like you in an excess of mercy. It is that which lifts you from nothingness to poverty, then enriches you with all its gifts."
Then He said: "For… I love you so much, what do you think you will receive in this life, according to your senses? Crosses! My beloved, crosses and more crosses: illness, abandonment, calumny, mockery, persecution, difficulties, sorrow in all its manifestations. That is your lot. That My love lavishes on souls. Then comes glory, triumph, vindication, exaltation and everything an eternal apotheosis. But I do not give this until you have reached the limits of danger, when you have reached the shores of security. Trust, My little victim, all the force of my will is with you."
It is a very peculiar thing in this doctrine of victim souls in union with Jesus, Victim, and through the mediation of Mary, victim also with her Son, that Our Lord speaks of the fruit that this victimhood will produce. On one occasion He said to me: "I promise to give you all the kingdom of My souls; I mean that I will give you an infinite power to rescue them, since in animating you with My virtue, I will increase the value of your acts; and I will do the same with all the victim souls that follow your path, the path that I will make known to the world through you. And, by achieving the legion of victim souls, many souls will be saved, and will be gathered into My Church, and thus, all your desires will be fulfilled, all your efforts crowned with success."
What He said to me on this occasion and what He promised me, and the manner in which He expressed it to me, were so solemn that, although it embarrasses me, I will say it: "I swear to you, My beloved… I swear to you! Hope against all human hope! Write everything that I give to you, write it all, and I promise that not a single letter will be fruitless. I am resolved to give Myself entirely to you, because you cannot appropriate anything, and giving Myself to you thus, you will give Me all souls. Now, what do you want Me to give you? I give you My eyes so you may see, My mouth so you may speak, My hands so you may work, and My Heart so you may experience heavenly emotions. What more do you want? I have nothing else, being God and having everything. When giving Myself thus, I give you all that I have. Oh, if you could let yourself comprehend these mysteries of love, you would die right this moment! Continue, then, under your miserable guise, for I can exist very well united to you."
Truly these words encompass an unspeakable manifestation of the immense love that God Our Lord has for mankind, and that He shows us through means of His Son, Jesus Christ!
But we must not only work for our own sanctification, we must work incessantly to save souls. This I have already published; to the point that Our Lord calls this zeal to save souls, an apostolate. He says: "The apostolate is urgently needed, even in contemplative souls: an intimate apostolate. I do not want My servants to live for anything but to save souls! I want the apostolate in works and in prayers. Selfish are those souls who think only of saving themselves: they do not give great consolation to My Heart."
My brothers and sisters, thus our Divine Lord complains of the souls that are interested only in their own sanctification; then how much it will hurt Him to see so many souls at present above all, walking to the right, to the left, forgetting God completely, occupied in nothing but offending Him? Denying him at times? Blaspheming, too? And us, standing smugly aloof?
In June of 1972 the doctrine concerning victim souls was already published with sufficient clarity, demonstrating that (according to the words of our Lord directly) it is the best way in which we can serve. Because offering oneself as a victim to Divine Justice in union with Jesus, Victim and through the hands of the Blessed Virgin, Perpetual Help of her children on earth, is the most perfect form of living our Christianity, for it combines our own sanctification with the salvation of many other souls.
But—how many? You will ask me. How many souls will a person offered as a victim be able to save? Oh, my brothers and sisters. The fruit of victim souls cannot be counted; its fruitfulness depends on the union between the person, the victim soul and Christ, Victim. And simultaneously, all the victim souls of all the world united, although they may not know each other until Heaven, it does not matter, provided that they keep their daily appointment in the predetermined place: In Christ Jesus… and better yet, if it is in Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. Let us see this clearly, as Jesus Himself expressed it to me one day. It was a day when I could not go to the parish church for Communion, and I was very upset about it. Then He said to me: "Do you want Me to teach you a secret way of living in communion with Me? Lose yourself by means of love in My Host, and I will take you in My Heart, and you will enter with Me all the souls that receive Communion. Think: I have communicated Myself to each one of those souls that received Me, their beloved. And you will take part in each one of them." (Nov. 22, 1931).
He also told me on another occasion how to increase the value of our works. He said to me: "You (victim souls) can offer everything in the love of My Eucharistic Heart, and it will have an infinite value."
But, my brothers and sisters, one thing I want to, and must, indicate clearly: holy sacramental Communion must be received with the proper requisites, also. What are they? That the Holy Mass be officiated by a true priest in the Latin rite, especially the Canon; and that the person who approaches to receive Communion, be truly in the state of grace. And we know that, to be in the state of sacramental grace, it is necessary, besides having made a perfect act of contrition, also to have been absolved of our sins by a priest who does not alter the sacrament, conforming to the ritual: that the confession be oral and personal (not in community).
I am going to refer to some other times that my Jesus came to complain to me of some souls that were receiving Him in Communion, without being in the state of grace. One time, at the moment when the priest came to my turn at the communion rail, my Jesus said to me: "Look—how they wound Me at your right." (My notes have the date of July 3, 1934). On another occasion He said to me: "Such a very cruel soul, My daughter… how he insults Me. He has in himself one demon of impurity and another of malice, with which he persecutes Me sacrilegiously; and knowing it, he keeps silent about his sin." (My notes have the date of July 18, 1937).
Through those years Our Lord wanted to make use of this miserable creature to give particular and private messages of conscience to some people. I suffered a great deal through those assignments; because to me it was terribly painful to have to dare to send or speak verbally such messages and admonitions, even to ecclesiastics and religious; for I was living in the home of my parents without any liberty. And as these messages aroused the hate of some persons against me, my greatest fear was that they would be indiscreet and say something to my parents. But Our Lord knew what He was doing, and He, on seeing my obedience to his divine Word, always helped me. And the best thing was that some of these persons repented and did penance and changed from their evil conscience to one that was good and upright.
He even came to give me, once, a threatening message for a young girl of good family, who, unknown to the family, was living in very bad sin with a priest; and Our Lord advised her, through means of me, to prepare herself to die. She was in full youth and beauty, and also in good health. Then Our Lord told me that I was to give the message, not to her, but to the priest with whom she was sinning, for she was the one who was inciting him to it. I obeyed, and that priest was good and believed in the message and told her. And she died a few days after having confessed her sin, and cried with penance for having offended God. My Jesus told me that she had to know that she would die within a few days, and so it was; she died the day of her patron saint, that is, on Good Friday. Oh, my brothers and sisters, what a terrible thing it is to have offended our God, to lose his divine grace, to be in mortal sin. And worse yet, to try to hide those sins approaching the most sublime sacraments, profaning them: confession and holy Communion. May a victim soul never commit such sins! Divine Justice demands purity of soul of us, so that our penances and sacrifices may ascend to Heaven united to those of Christ, our Redeemer, so we may be co-redeemers, too, and we can save souls!
It is also of utmost importance to us as victims to offer our pious acts, because the Holy Church is cleansed of evil elements because the enemy who never sleeps is sowing discord dispassionately. Jesus has spoken to me of this in years long since passed, as I will relate later.