I want to note here some very important words for all those persons who wish to offer themselves as victims in union with Jesus, and let them know how He wants His victim souls to be with Him. It cost me a great deal to learn it, for my temperament is impetuous. And it often happened to me that everything I undertook was destroyed and opposed and impeded by others. Then, once I asked our Lord for something eagerly—I do not remember what—and He told me, with great severity: "Do not let your heart seize on that anxious desire. As an expression of your sorrow, I tolerate it; but, not so much as a formal petition that your will makes of Me, because that does not pertain to you, for you must always unite your will to mine."
Then our Lord gave me a most perfect lesson, which I transcribe as follows: "In each moment of your life, you must see my will and love it. Understand well that a victim to my Justice is not permitted to complain nor to protest about anything that happens to it. The superior part of your will must depend on God in everything. And so you may note to what degree the victim is obliged to it, I will tell you: any ordinary soul is obliged to defer its will to the divine will, just as I taught the method of praying and asking the Heavenly Father. Thus all souls must do that. Thus when a soul argues and asks persistently, and forces the divine will to succumb before the human, that soul contracts a debt with Heaven that it will not stop repaying, before entering Heaven; and it will pay, whether on earth or in purgatory. There are occasions in which souls, through that rebelliousness against the suffering that God wants of them, make themselves unworthy of graces and great divine gifts. My Justice is constantly offended on that account. At least—do not let my victim souls tie my hands—you at least! Let me do with you as I will completely, and you will see that what I place in your path is fitting for you! My beloved, love me with true love. I merit that love! Do not deny it to me."
My notes carry the date of April 4, 1937. It was Low Sunday. The lesson was so beautiful that it penetrated to the depths of my soul, and I noted how victim souls must not have desires that are not completely united with the divine will.
I am going to speak to you about the beginning, when Jesus gave me revelations concerning the legion of victim souls that He desires me to seek for Him, and how I suffered a great deal because I could do nothing, for I was the daughter of the family, and was without liberty to act outside the house. I was consumed with zeal for Him to have His legion of victim souls of his divine grace. Thus it was that one day He consoled me, saying: "My daughter, you will see in my legion of victim souls, very great souls. Of all of them you, My daughter, are the most insignificant."
He also said to me one day: "I give you my word that you will see the Work of my victims realized, and its fruit will be more copious that the stars in the heavens."
Now I am seeing these two promises of my Jesus realized, for I am aware of many great souls, heroic, silent souls bound to atonement to divine Justice—that have not wavered in conforming their conduct to what Jesus asks of them, to sacrifice, to love, to generosity, and to charity for their neighbor, when they offer themselves as victims in union with Jesus. And not only that, but docilely they are carrying out to the limit the instructions of Our Lord, in the exact sense that He desires of his legion. United intimately to Mary, and having the sublime goal of going to the Heavenly Father, in union with Christ, Victim, these souls are the purchasers of many other souls, taking them to Heaven and to eternal adoration of the Father.
Once when I was suffering a great deal morally and felt myself repelling that suffering, for if I was suffering it was because other people were keeping me away from Him; nevertheless He exhorted me in this manner, demonstrating to me how victim souls must permit themselves to be totally abandoned to the divine doings. He told me: "To enjoy the love that continues for eternity, it is first necessary to fulfill the divine designs. I will always be with you, if you are always faithful to Me and loving."
And when I made an act of abandonment to his divine Will, He said to me: "My poor little one of my Heart! I swear to you that I will fulfill your holy desires, in greater abundance than you satisfy mine. Leave yourself to me... let me do with you as I will, my daughter, and you will see the wonders of your Beloved. I will supply with my grace all that you, through my will, sacrifice for love of me. Believe and trust in Me."
Thus Jesus wants of his victim souls total abandonment to his doings and the disposing of his Providence, and his will, manifested in the pressing circumstances of duty and of legitimate authority (whenever it is not something that might offend Him). This doctrine may even reach the point of the victim's finding itself deprived of holy things. For example: during one epoch of my life, I was not permitted to go to church, and I was even deprived of sacramental Communion, and had to comply by making spiritual Communions. Then one day He said to me: "A time will come in which this will be your only nourishment (of the soul), and if you are faithful to Me then... oh, my daughter, then I will give you the Kingdom of all my souls, and I will gather in my family" (his Church) "those who have awaited my coming, and all my Justice will be changed into Love."
I must explain how I understood these words: Our Lord speaks of granting the reign of his Church, the conversion of all the other religions to his one and true Church, the one Fold, of which He is Shepherd. (Jn. 10, 16)* (from "Estrella," June 1972)
* "And other sheep I have that are not of this fold; them also I must bring. And they shall hear my voice: and there shall be one fold and one shepherd."