The other condition for the victim souls of this legion, as I already said, must be offering themselves through the hands of most holy Mary; as Our Lord said, expressly under the title of her Perpetual Help. And the consecration to her must be as slaves of love, as Jesus did, when He came to the world through means of her: enclosed in her maternal womb.
When our Lord taught me this secret, He said to me one day (my notes have the date of February 2, 1933), "The victim soul must, through charity and immolation, fuse itself with the divine Heart of Jesus, so that its service in atonement to divine Justice, the good of souls, and the consolation of the most Sacred Heart of the Eucharistic Victim, may be effective. For since this divine Heart is the center where the three rays of the Sun of Divine Justice converge, victim souls need to identify themselves with it, in order to merge with it. And this can only be achieved by enclosing themselves spiritually (mystically) in the virginal womb of Mary, by means of a filial devotion, for there the Heart of the Divine Word made human was formed."
It was in the year 1930 when God Our Lord wanted me to know about the "Secret of Mary" of St. Louis de Montfort, when this was said to me by the Blessed Mother herself: "First, you will come to me." She said this to me, because at that time I was about to enter a religious order, where I was hoping to empty my soul of the revelations concerning the Work of Atonement.
And later, in the convent, our Lord told me He was going to grant me a very great grace so that, experiencing it in myself, I would be able to teach the doctrine of filial dependence of souls consecrated as victims to Divine Justice in union with Him. And He let me live nine months exactly—as He told me—the way souls live hidden in Mary. I cannot explain these things, except by comparison: when a soul is hidden in Mary (mystically) temptations do not harm it, but benefit it. And even more, spiritual battles cease, and everything is a pool of peace and spiritual joy, almost like a Heaven. Then the voice of Jesus is so intimate that the physical ears cannot perceive it; but their voices are heard in an inexpressible manner, as if impregnated in the soul, or rather: from his soul to ours, and in the midst of that union stands Mary, the most pure Mother, holy, full of love and peace.
Thus it was that Jesus told me to write: "When the Divine Word speaks to the soul from the most pure womb of Mary, his voice is so secret that it can be said that it is eloquent silence in the desert of the heart. The soul lives in an habitual suspension, that it does not know how to define. Its state is then most simple, and it finds itself surrounded by a full light that reveals to it all secrets, even in the midst of spiritual darkness, aridities and abandonments, that come from the interior life. Here fortitude is the practical fruit and distinctive characteristic of this stage."
After having spent nine months, from March 24 to December 24, suddenly the interior situation of my soul changed. Then He said to me: "All year until now you were with Me, enclosed in the womb of Mary; now you will be alone; but there you need not fear."
(But I must return to the beginning of that period, 1930, when it was granted me to dwell those nine months enclosed mystically in Mary and in company with Jesus.) When I felt that well-being, Jesus said to me: "Now we are in her womb. Here I bring only My victim souls, and not very often." He told me, too, on that occasion: "I am the Divine Word made human, who became flesh in the womb of Mary: lose yourself here... and I will supply with My grandeur all your misery."
In the year 1932, Holy Thursday fell on March 24 (eve of the Incarnation of Jesus) just as I had completed two years of that most sublime grace of feeling myself enclosed with Jesus in the most pure womb of Mary. Then He said to me: "From today on, I will not call you anything but 'Spouse,' and you will call Me 'Sole Master.' You will play a great part in My Calvary, and in the throne of My Kingdom. Try to remain always absorbed in the mystery of My Heart, and to be little, so you never turn away from My love."
Now forty years have passed since that date, and... what can I say of what I experienced and lived? I do not know how to say it of myself, only one thing I know: all this time has been a crucifixion in union with Him, and I bless Him a thousand and a thousand times, because He has me on His Throne of love. For there the souls called to this vocation must be. In that same year, He told me on Good Friday: "Unite yourself to My Passion, beloved spouse, and come with Me; and I will carry you in My Heart to the cross, and there we will be united forever." And that is exactly how it has been! May He be blessed!
Well then, this very day; Saturday, July 28, 1973, when I was at Mass, when the priest elevated the host at the consecration, I felt physically, a trembling, that is the sign that something divine is going to come to me, and thus it was. In that same moment, the Blessed Virgin came and stood above the tabernacle, and spoke to me thus: "My little daughter, in the absence of the Father Superior of the congregation, you must pray a great deal for him, because the demon has plotted to harm him."
Note: I must explain that precisely on this day, after saying Holy Mass, the Father Superior had to leave on a trip to his country, although only for a few days. When she said this to me, the Virgin Mary extended her blue mantle, in such a way that it was embracing the entire little chapel, and at that moment the priest was elevating the chalice. And she said to me: "I am with all my children, and I protect them under my mantle. Look!"
And it was then I saw the chalice being elevated and, although it was being held in the hands of the priest, it poured itself out, and I saw the Precious Blood fall over the mantle of Mary, and the mantle was saturated in the Blood. And the mantle covered all of us who were in the chapel, including two sisters who were outside, because their duties placed them there; I saw them at both sides of the Blessed Virgin. It was a very brief moment, but it left in my soul and even in my eyes the unforgettable vision of that kind of blueness that enveloped all of us present. Meanwhile my Blessed Mother said: "Thus I constantly retrieve the Blood of my Son on the earth."
Then the Blessed Virgin said to me: "Look, my daughter, all of you were called to be victims... it must not trouble you if they are spoken of or if there is silence. Let God do what He wishes with you in everything!"
She said this to me, because at that moment I asked her about a sister of our community, of whom, in some messages that God Our Lord had given, no mention was made. And here I had to go up to communion; but scarcely had I received communion, when I became oblivious of all that surrounded me and of this world, and I saw myself alone at that moment with my Jesus. The two of us were going on some very long roads, and at the end of them there was a very blue horizon, all was blue, but very distant. In this, I heard the voice of my Blessed Mother who said to me: "Do you see this? In this way my maternal mantle is spread, because it has been granted me to be the Mother of all the children of Eve. I have reconquered them through the merits of the Passion of my divine Son, suffering everything for love of human souls, in order to save them. You, who form the legion of these victims... abandon yourselves to suffering.... because it is a great thing to live here and now, nailed to the cross!" I left holy Mass then with this lesson very deep in my soul, and I have felt myself strengthened to suffer. May God be blessed!