Message at dawn on Tuesday, January 13, 1970. Message of Jesus to His Portavoz for the whole world.

That of today was in the following manner: I was sleeping deeply, even more so because these last few days, for various reasons, have been very hectic and, because I am in such poor health, I suffered a great deal and for the same reason, during the hours of rest, I feel an enormous heaviness that makes it difficult for me to get up. Because I sleep poorly and I do not rest due to my ailments that get worse at night as happens with all the sick. But this night that just passed, I slept deeply, as I said.

In such a way that I awoke suddenly because I heard most beautiful music at a distance from our convent. And, on awakening, I saw our cell, as has happened on other occasions, illuminated and I heard the voice of my Jesus that said to me sweetly:

"Arise, My beloved, and come."

I heard these words from Sacred Scripture as if they were new, that is, they sounded to my ears like a loving expression of Our Lord.

And, as happens in such cases, completely awake, I jumped to the floor and prostrated myself, filled with joy. Then, without my seeing Jesus, our dialogue went this way: "Are you coming for me now, my Jesus?"

"No, you will be here below a little longer still, but just a little! I come to tell you something very solemn. Prepare to listen to Me and to write, but not at this moment. Get up and see to your duties."

I got up and the first thing I did was to see what time it was. It was 2:16 in the morning. I felt my Jesus there within our cell, although He kept a moment of silence until I was ready to work, as is customary in our rule.

I make this observation so it may be seen how Our Lord is most sensitive and respects the rules, above all, undoubtedly, those of religion and those imposed on us by good manners. He adapts Himself to those duties. Because I must make it known that, for the past two days, we have had a good and reliable person visiting the house and we have given her for her rest a room next to our cell precisely and to the Chapel. She is a woman who works tirelessly for the Holy Church as an apostle.

Well, due to these circumstances, Jesus kept silent for quite a while after making me get up and when it was close to five in the morning, He ordered me as follows:

"Go to your cell and write.

"All Catholics, sincere children of My Church, must unite and raise a clamor to My Vicar in Rome. Free him from his enemies, not by violent means, but by prayer, penance, and persuasion, preaching My doctrine in all its integrity. Say it, My spouse, say it right now! Let this message be sent to the whole world."

After I wrote this note, Jesus kept silence again, mentioning:

"Do you know why I make use of you? Because you are little and you have given yourself up to Me from the beginning."

Jesus clarified this because I was saying within myself, why does He make use of me and that I can do hardly anything about the very things He asks of me. And, because He spoke of that reasoning, I, wondering, asked Him: "Lord, tell me, in what does this consist?"

Then He replied to me, reminding me of some words He told me a long time ago; He answered me in this way:

"Do you remember that, at the beginning, I told that you should always be little because, at the least movement of pride, I would cast you very far from Me?"

Surely Jesus told me this many years ago, inviting me to practice the virtue of humility, because I am not humble, But He taught me how this virtue is acquired, as least as much as is humanly possible, and that is simply by practicing it for love of Him.

But nevertheless I confess that I am still not humble, so that, on His saying to Me now that "I have remained little," I said to Him: "My Jesus, but You see that I have not acquired this virtue." And when I said this, I began to doubt that it was He Who was speaking to me, but then He said to me:

"Remember that you make Me suffer when you doubt that it is I Who speak to you."

Then I felt on my forehead the caress of His hands, an unequivocal sign of His presence because many years ago He delighted me often with this grace. Then He said to me:

"My poor little one! You are certainly very small. . .that is why I have chosen you and I hold you in My own Heart so the devil may not upset you; but that is why I will come for you soon. Prepare your heart."

Then, as I humiliated myself crying prostrate next to our bed, He again said to me:

"Tell everyone, My daughter, that they cannot please Me if they do not begin by being humble. I have servants faithful to My doctrine, but only to preach and to defend it, but not to practice it. Tell them to humble themselves! For only the humble can please Me."

At that moment when Jesus was saying these words to me, He Himself permitted me to think of certain persons (I must not mention them here because it would be imprudent). Then He said to me:

"Yes, those souls, daughter and all souls, need to be humble so their services may be agreeable to Me."

"Lord, and this clamor before Your Vicar, could it be like a great pilgrimage that has already been begun?"

And He answered me, explicitly, but briefly, saying simply, "Yes."

Then, filled with joy and as I was already prostrate, I began to kiss the floor, telling Him from the depths of my soul to receive those kisses as a demonstration of gratitude for these words He came to tell me because, just yesterday, I myself was perplexed about that initiative that I read of in a certain leaflet.

Then Jesus, as though in farewell, again caressed my forehead with His hand and, although I did not see it, I touched it with my hand, putting it over His, and this lasted quite a while because, on coming to myself again and feeling that He was gone, I saw the time; it was six in the morning.
