Third Meditation

The Spirit of Faith

Souls that wish to console the Heart of Christ our Lord, embittered by so many sins of the world, go to Him with great FAITH. Protest your faith to Him. Your faith in all His words; your faith in all the mysteries of religion; your faith in His doctrines; your simple, total, entire practical faith. Yes, indeed! Make acts of faith constantly, receive the Sacrament of love, the Eucharist, with great faith, with faith in the real presence of Jesus, believing in the power of His Word, the Word of Him Who created that admirable Sacrament.

Approach the priests of the Lord with faith, be submissive to superiors: priests, prelates, but, above all, to the Vicar of Christ, successor of Peter, because all this consoles the Heart of our adorable Redeemer and atones to Divine Justice.

See how God is offended a great deal in the world, in different ways and, nevertheless, Jesus has revealed recently, emphasizing the sin that wounds His Heart most, the sin that cannot be forgiven either on earth or in Heaven – the sin of incredulity – because it is the sin against the Holy Ghost. Let us hear His words, words He has now revealed for you precisely so that, meditating on them, you may be moved to help Him in the redemption of the incredulous.

Jesus says thus: "I am the bottomless sea of love and of pardon. Oh, if you knew how many thousands of consecrated souls receive Me sacrilegiously. . .and nevertheless. . .and how many impure hands lift Me in the unbloody sacrifice of the Mass. . .and I always pardon them when they repent of their transgression. And again they offend Me and again I pardon them. I know the force of the passions under which human misery groans. They offend Me, certainly they offend Me a great deal, but the sorrow the heretics cause Me is greater. Ponder the passion of My Heart for that. . ."

Have we heard it? The divine Heart of Jesus complains of nothing as much as of the heretics, those who do not believe in Him, those who deny Him all access to their souls, those He cannot pardon!

How will that Heart, the fountain of sweetness, feel, that heart that has exhausted, as it were, all Its love and has spoken to the world in a thousand ways to make Itself understood, loved and believed. . .how will it feel on seeing souls persist incredulous after having spoken to them, first by means of the prophets, then personally by His own mouth, and who has not ceased speaking to the world in new revelations that ratify His doctrine and still. . . they do not believe Him?

Faith is so powerful, to be a believer and a simple believer, "like a child," is such a great virtue that in the Holy Gospel he wished to leave this irrefutable affirmation: "He who believes in Me, although he die, will live."

How does He feel on seeing that many souls still resist believing that He is Christ, the Redeemer? That they refuse to give credence to Holy Scripture, that they doubt and mock so many apparitions He has sent in the course of centuries? How will He feel when they consider Him a false one, a blasphemer and a deceiver?

Let us remember that passage where Jesus cries on the hill, looking from afar at Jerusalem and exclaims, "Jerusalem, Jerusalem, if thou hadst known the thing that are to thy peace," (Lk 19, 41); "Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets!" (Matt 23, 37). And He Who was very meek and most humble of heart, before the incredulity of His people, was irritated to the point of expelling with lashes the profaners from the temple because, by the use they were making of the House of God, they demonstrated that their god was gold, that is, they were acting as if they had no faith.

How would sweet Jesus feel now, now that His churches are so profaned? Let us hasten to console His Divine Heart.

Jesus came to rebuke strongly the incredulity of His contemporaries: "O unbelieving and perverse generation, how long. . .shall I suffer you?" (Matt 17, 16)

In His passion, when it seems that He seals His lips rather than defend Himself, nevertheless, when it comes to ratifying that He is the Christ, the Son of God, He opens His lips to confess it: "Thou hast said it," to the one who was asking Him, "Art thou the Christ?"

Indeed, let us understand this well. That is why the Word of God made man came to speak to us in such a way, so there could no longer be incredulity among men. That is why nothing offends Him as much as incredulity, heresy, lack of faith, because these sins are the offspring of malice and diabolic cleverness, the cleverness of Satan and the malice of man, who allies himself with the sworn enemy of mankind and of the Word Incarnate who wants all of us to follow him in his choir: "Non serviam." (I will not serve.)

The sins of incredulity and heresy cannot be forgiven because a heretic, an incredulous one, cannot repent because he has no faith. And how can he acquire it if his works are of no value to him to attract the grace of conversion?
