And Jesus was silent again until one in the afternoon when, secluded in my cell, I slept because I felt weak from the grief and anguish because I was waiting for the reply of obedience from my spiritual director, that is, my bishop. On awakening the voice of Jesus again spoke to me:
"Daughter, believe me, It is I Who speaks to you! And recognize as My will all the events I send in your life and see the signs of all that I have promised you."
I made acts of adoration and of obedience to the voice of Jesus, but I did not dare to give these messages to anyone, awaiting the reply of my director. What’s more, I was unable to understand very well what Our Lord meant regarding the things I should make known, because I have a great many things written since childhood.
Then Our Lord spoke clearly to me through this incidental detail. A person arrived to give me a booklet titled, "Messages 1969," that was soon to be published. The booklet included the messages of the Blessed Virgin at LaSalette, verifying them with the others from our Mother in Heaven, such as Fatima, Lourdes, Garabandal, etc., and noting that all these messages speak to us of penance and atonement.
With this I understood that it was the will of Our Lord for me to publish as well all the things I have kept hidden since childhood and that is why later I have had to make them known because it is the divine will. Besides, at that same time, when I was receiving that booklet, the affirmative reply arrived from my director and, with this, I entered into a holy spiritual peace.
From that moment I have proceeded to disseminate the words of my Jesus I kept since childhood, recording them on tape because I have very little working time to dedicate to writing because I am ill and have, at the same time, so many obligations in my Community and others as well.
Message God Our Lord has sent to a nun.
At four o’clock in the morning.
The voice of Christ: "The world at present is worse than Ninive when I warned through Jonas of the punishment those people deserved. This means the penance now should be greater than Ninive offered in atonement for that generation."
"Lord, which sin offends You most?"
"The seven capital sins, and with refined malice now, are challenging My Justice! You understand this well because I have instructed you for many years.
"Insist, then! But tell them it is I Who warn them! Woe to men if they do not do penance, if they do not repent sincerely and detest their sins. . ..! Woe to My priests, My daughter. . .! Pray and atone and make them pray and atone for their sins and for their great malice, their own malice and that of all their brothers and priests.
"Cry out louder! Soon, My daughter! Do not fear the scorn or the enmity of anyone. Let the leaflets be distributed soon! This message is for today! Not to be left in your notes. You will be abhorred. . .it doesn’t matter. I love you! You will be mistreated. . .it doesn’t matter. I protect you! Send this message to everyone, My daughter, to seculars and religious, to priests and bishops, to the Pope, above all, this very day, My daughter! Send it to the centers of dissemination! Above all, take it to the Diffusora Mariana. Tell them it seems that now there is no faith. If only they would grieve just a little for their own souls. . .!"
Later, about 7:00 a.m.
A Program of Life dictated expressly by God Our Lord.
"They must do this so they may be pardoned the chastisement that is already decreed:
"First: stop sinning. The indecency with which women dress at present is a grave sin! And a grave sin for the men who permit their wives, daughters and sisters to do so! In worldly nuns it is a grave sin that causes Me disgust! Tell them: fire will descend from Heaven and burn them alive.
"Second: they must abstain from amusements, even decent ones.
"Third, they must pray and retire to meditate alone with Me. I hunger for souls to pray in solitude with Me.
"Fourth, they must chastise their palate, doing true, positive penance against their gluttony, that has reached the point of debilitating their spirit.
"Fifth: they must offer some corporal maceration.
"Sixth: they must make a good Confession and good sacramental Communions, sincere and with reverence!
"Seventh: they must consecrate these Lenten days exclusively to God.
"If at least those persons who receive this message will give Me this, the punishment will be mitigated a little. But if they do this everywhere, the punishment they now deserve will be cancelled!"
Antecedents: The one who writes this message or warning of God Our Lord is a humble sister in Christ who is already being invited by Jesus Himself to leave the earth. Soon my body will be buried, but my soul will remain free then to be able to continue serving all my brothers and sisters.
My Divine Spouse, Who deigned to call me to His LOVE from childhood, has chosen to make use of me since that epoch, as He repeats to me always, "as His ‘Portavoz’ (messenger)." These graces are gratuitous. No one would be able to merit them and, least of all, I; but He is free to do with His own as He pleases.
Well then, I state these antecedents because He ordered me to make known a message of His dated the 24th of this month, causing a commotion, partly of scorn and partly of anger. And because of these effects, contrary to what God Our Lord asks, it was logical that yesterday a reporter, accompanied by a Catholic priest, came to interview me, to ask me for some better explanation of the subject. I could not declare anything more to them than: THE TRUTH.
But later when I was able to be alone with my God in the Chapel and in another place in our quarters (I speak in the plural because we are a community of nuns) I begged His Divine Majesty a great deal to send to the souls who are disturbed on the one hand and those who, even worse, despise His message on the other, some new light so, in this very serious matter, they might understand His message.
Nevertheless, it was not until this morning, again at the hour of dawn (I didn’t know the time because the clock was stopped), that He returned to say the following:
"Tell My children, My daughter, that they must be docile to My warning. This is the warning My Blessed Mother announced recently in Spain. There will be no other warning!
"Tell them now I asked just one thing of them and it is for their own good: that giving up amusements and sin, they keep silence in their souls and pray. In prayer I promise to speak to each of them so they may understand My will and My great mercy, and how much I love them!
"Let this warning be spread immediately throughout the world. That is why I have given them so many means of communication to rely on, so My messages and those of My Blessed Mother may be spread. But tell them their resistance to My repeated invitations to change their behavior offends Me a great deal.
"Transcribe, daughter, all the messages I have given you at other times. The time has now come when you should give to My Church and to all men all that I have spoken to you.
"Insist and let them know, above all, My beloved Vicar and the bishops and priests who are still loyal to My Church and My doctrine, that it is URGENT that the Work of Atonement I have asked so often of Rome and Mexico be realized. All My children must contribute to this, if they want take part in it! I want the national Shrine of Atonement in the Basilica of My Blessed Mother and in Rome the universal Shrine in the See of Peter.
"If they give Me all these things, many sins will be forgiven and peace will come to the world and well-being for all. If they continue denying Me this Work of universal unification, they will continue abandoned to their whims and evil will get worse each day and souls will find no rest nor will there be happiness on earth; rather everything will turn into confusion and misery, as I have explained to you from the beginning."
After Our Lord dictated these words to me, there was a period of time when I had to leave the cell to do some tasks of obligation, but, a few minutes ago, at 7:30, He again spoke to me:
"Write. Do not keep to yourself, My daughter, neither through fear nor through human respect, what I spoke to you on Sunday, the second day of this month at Holy Mass."
The things Our Lord told me that day are the following. That morning I was walking to the Church of San Francisco (on Madero Ave.) and Jesus said to me:
"Hurry! You have to shout very loudly!"
"What, Lord?"
"Many things. Tell everything to everyone. Don’t keep anything to yourself for I do not tell you things for yourself, but for My Church. Send it to your bishop and let him send everything to My beloved Vicar."
"What things, Lord?"
"Everything I have told you and what I will tell you from now on."
When I heard such an order, I feared it might be the devil and that it was auto-suggestion and that is why I dared to ask His Divine Majesty for proof, proof He gave me immediately. (I may not make this proof known because it is exclusively a matter of conscience.)
Immediately afterwards, when I was in church hearing Holy Mass, Jesus deigned to tell me a formula of how Holy Mass should be heard at present, within the forms that have been made to it. I will make this known later, because it is urgent that I send out this sheet now.
Well, during Mass, at the time of the memento of the dead, Jesus told me this:
"Tell them it disgusts Me that they receive Communion standing and without reverence. Those who receive Communion cynically, giving bad example, the women without veils and naked, offend Me. Tell them that soon fire will come down from Heaven if they do not amend and they will be burned alive and will be condemned. Because, how will those bodies enter to rejoice on the day of the resurrection that here below took delight in filth, the filth of sin and of provoking others to sin? It is not right for them to receive Communion standing, nor should those who have received Communion stand, nor should they receive the blessing except on their knees! You must go devoutly to the Table of Communion."
It is very interesting to make known the following that His Divine Majesty also deigned to reveal to me at the time of Holy Mass, at the memento of the dead. He said to me then:
"Now is when you should ask for the eternal rest of all those who have died and have not been able to enter Heaven, held back by their sins. I ask suffrages for those souls! But tell My priests they must say Mass out of devotion and not for money, because I am tired of their avarice and their commercialism."