Offering to Divine Justice
PRAYER: "In this we have known the charity of God, because He hath laid down His life for us: and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren." (1 Jn. III:16)
I. O Most Blessed Trinity, my Lord and my God! O God the Father, Who art in Heaven from all eternity (Ps. LXXXIX:2), do Thou permit this vile worm of the earth to call upon thee, in witnessing the Offering of its soul
Most Beloved Jesus, Redeemer of my soul! Thou Who art our Mediator between Heaven and earth (1 Jn. II:1) from the beginning and for ever and ever! (Apoc. V:14), Thou Who art always crucified (in the Eucharist) for love of us, disdain not Thy miserable brother who now traverses the rugged pathways of the world.
Come, Holy Ghost! Come into my heart so that, united with Thee, we may present ourselves before the Divine Justice of Thine own Being.
O Most Blessed Trinity! Do not cast me away from Thy presence.
II. O God of my soul, an ardent and ineffable desire inspires me to serve Thee in order to glorify Thee. But, what can so indigent a creature as I accomplish?
My heart is deeply pierced by the sad spectacle of the world. I grieve to see it so oppressed and heavily weighed down under the burden of temptations - temptations to which it yields only to become a victim of the devil.
O Lord God, Thou Who searchest the hearts of all creatures (Ps. CXXXVIII:3), Thou knowest my ardent desire to assist my brethren. Yet, what can be achieved by one who is just as miserable as they are?
O Thou, my only Love! I know not what to do except to have recourse to the Inexhaustible Fount of all God, Who can do whatever He wills.
Thou, O Divine Jesus, art the Healing Fountain of Regeneration. (Ps. XXXV:9-10) Thou art the Source of Infinite Treasures of Love and Pardon, which can never be exhausted. I, therefore, have recourse to Thee, while reminding Thee of those consoling words, which Thou didst utter: "Come to Me, all you that labor and are burdened; and I will refresh you." (Matt. XI:28)
III. Do you see me, most sweet Jesus, here in Thy presence, laden with the exceeding weight of all the sins of all my brethren? These are the sins with which they offend Thy Divine Justice. Accept them as though they were mine; and chastise me in their stead. Yes!. . .I beseech Thee, let me bear their punishment, provided that Thou forgive and bless my brethren. Behold! In the very depths of my soul I feel that sincere repentance that atones to Thee and effaces sin. (1 Jn. I:9)
O my God, through the blessed hands of Mary Immaculate of Perpetual Help, I offer myself to Thee, to suffer the penalty of these sins.
Deign to accept me as Thy humble and insignificant Victim. Regard not my great misery, but the ardent desires, which Thou Thyself art inspiring within me. Do not disdain my supplication.
Therefore, my most sweet Jesus, if this inspiration is from Thee, and if Thou dost accept me, withhold not Thy hand. Do with me whatever pleases Thee, provided that Thou givest me Thine own Divine strength. Thus I will be enabled to suffer meritoriously, that my least efforts may be fruitful, with Thy help.
IV. From this very moment, I surrender my will completely to Thine, and my desires are placed at Thy Divine feet, so that, if it be necessary and pleasing to Thee, Thou mayest sacrifice me. O Lord, I surrender unto Thee all my pleasures and longings, both human and spiritual. And from this day forward I desire nothing but to suffer - and to suffer whatever Thou wishest. With all my soul I ask only one thing of Thee for myself: deprive me of life rather than that I be unfaithful to Thee or voluntarily offend Thee.
V. Grant that I may love Thee, Lord, for those who hate Thee! Grant me a perfect understanding of Thy divinity, with all its attributes and charming delights, for those who do not know thee!
Grant that I may carry Thy Most Holy Cross, for those who despise it and seek only worldly pleasures!
Grant that I may belong to Thee alone, for those who put their delights or human affections and conveniences in place of Thee!
In a word, from this very instant, may nothing be found in me except what belongs entirely to Thee. O God of my soul, I am all Thine! Do Thou accept me, I implore Thee!
VI. On the other hand, what shall I ask of Thee, O bountiful God? I feel I have no right to ask Thee for even the least grace. Nevertheless, I am consoled in remembering that the Infinite Merits of the Sacred Humanity of my Lord Jesus Christ can obtain all things. For Thou hast promised: "If you ask the Father anything in My name, He will give it to you." (Jn. XVI:23)
Enveloped, therefore, in the resplendent veil of the merits of Our Lord Jesus Christ, I venture to entreat Thee, O Thou Omnipotent Majesty, above all, for ……………………, my country, the blessing of Our Blessed Mother, Holy Mary* ………………… May this little corner of the world become the "Land of Mary."
*Invoke the title of Our Lady as Patroness of your country, e.g., in the United States, "in Her Immaculate Conception"; in Ireland, "of Knock"; in England, "of Walsingham"; in Canada, "of the Cape"; in Australia, "Help of Christians."
Behold our lamentable situation in these moments of trial. Assist and comfort our souls that we may never abandon Thy ranks. Grant, dear Lord, that soon the cockle may be separated from the wheat, so that it may no longer corrupt the good seed. (Matt. XIII:30)
O my God, convert heretics and sinners. Sanctify Christians and grant perseverance to the just. . .give us saintly priests! May Thy Holy Church triumph throughout the world! And may the Most Sacred Emblem of Thy Holy Cross shine forth resplendently in every clime!
Behold, O Jesus, in synthesis, the object of my self-offering.
I give Thee thanks and thereby honor Thee for the virtue that inspires me. For I am sure that, without Thee, I would not feel inspired to perform any good act whatever. Hence, at the sight of Thy mercies towards such an unworthy creature as I am, I implore on my own behalf; the pardon of my sins and that I may not be deprived of loving Thee forever. Amen.
Explanation of the Offering: I