Messages of 1937
February 8, April 11, and August 9
I put off until now the copy that I am making of these notes of last year, because I want to be opportune in inserting in this month of August, in which the feast of the Assumption of Our Blessed Mother into Heaven is celebrated, something that was published very superficially last year and that is related to a revelation that Our Lord also deigned to give me in 1937. The first was in the month of February, the 8th of that month and year. In those years the dialogue between our Lord and my poor soul, which, as He disposed, was in great sufferings, was almost continuous; because sufferings are like bonds that obtain very great goods for us, and like crucibles that purify us and prepare us to receive divine charisms. And that is why the Lord had me suffer. And that day He said to me:"Write for souls a great secret that I am going to reveal to you--a secret of My love for justice, of those excesses, that is, of love that, in justice I have for sinners. Look! Keep it also in your heart, so that you may give Me glory eternally.
"Write, then, so My Church may know which is the day of General Armistice, of General Entry into Heaven. And it is the day on which the Church Militant celebrates annually the mystery of My Ascension into heaven, from its vigil through its octave. And in memory of My most Sacred Humanity's being glorified and placed at the side of My heavenly Father, no one can be condemned on that day." (Our Lord calls a 'day' a period of time: "from the vigil until the octave.") "Not a single brother of the Son of man can be condemned on that day. Because all that time, the gates of Hell are closed, and justice is suspended. In such a way that, at that time, the amnesty is: justice for all."
(I note here that, when our Lord says 'justice,' He means, to have pity, compassion, mercy with sinners. That is why He repeats to me so many times: "My justice is love. If I were not just, I would not be merciful. It is just to exercise mercy with the miserable.") The most exalted revelation concerning the General Armistice of the Ascension continues:
"That is when the Heart of the Redeemer of men is dilated with joy, and attracts many sinners in a fraternal embrace, purifying them in an effusive act of joy."
(Our Lord refers to "attracting them in a fraternal embrace," as if to say, He calls them to give an account of themselves in the other life. But first He bestows on them the actual grace of contrition, because contrition involves the perfect act of love: sorrow for having sinned solely for having offended God.) The words of this exalted revelation continue:
"Tell me--could I do more for them than this great excess of mercy? Fortunate the soul that is called to eternity on this day" (this period of time) "of general amnesty, because the just will be excused from his purgatory, and the sinner will be purified there for Heaven."
When I heard such sentiments--although I understood that nothing was contrary to dogma--nevertheless, I was afraid that it might not be the voice of God that was telling me such things.
"You are afraid? Your doubt does not offend Me. It glorifies Me, and it will be the best testimony of My truth, when you see, face to face, the spectacle of My Redemption in the Eternal Mansions."
Here I thought that He was referring to the day when I will die, but a few days later He granted me a most beautiful vision of the day of His Ascension into heaven. It was something indescribable... ineffable, inexpressible either with words or brushes: it was Jesus ascended into Heaven, surrounded by many souls, and on high, in the distance, there was a city of resplendent gold and many winged and vaporous angelic figures mingled about. And in the background, as though below the earth, I saw the devil in the form of a dragon, shackled with chains and crushed, as though with heavy iron gates.
When I had the vision, Jesus said to me thus: "Only through this Redemption is glory attained. Because I suffered, man rejoices. Because I died, he will live eternally. Because I arose, he will arise on the last day. And because I ascended into Heaven... all are saved. Because I have condemned sin, to make you co-heirs with me in the Kingdom of My Father."
These last words must be understood correctly, that is: we will enjoy these privileges attained by the passion of Jesus, if we follow in his footsteps the way of the cross and of a holy death, as He gave us the example and taught us by His words.
When I had that unforgettable vision, while I was absorbed in it, Jesus told me still: "Now you have seen what I had told you of. Now the annual day of the Armistice is approaching. Prepare yourself to win souls. I am going to give you a program for this preparation, so you may purchase places in Heaven, by means of your sufferings borne for love. Later I will show you the souls that you ransom with your sacrifices, and I will show you another phase of this secret."
These words of Jesus were fulfilled perfectly, because at that time, besides certain sacrifices that He inspired me to offer Him, He arranged other unexpected circumstances daily. And one day close to the Ascension, while I was praying, He advised me, or rather, He let me see a group of persons who were traveling by plane: there were many passengers, men, women and children, some older people, as well as the crew. And He told me these were the souls for whom I was gaining entry to Heaven on the day of the Armistice. And so it was, because through the press I found out opportunely how a plane crashed and burned completely, and everyone aboard perished. I had advised my spiritual director and my superior of this; through her I found out that the accident had happened, but we were not afflicted; rather, we gave thanks to God, because those souls were saved. Thus Jesus told me later:
"You are the one to whom I have revealed this secret of My Ascension with its annual Armistice, after having told My Blessed Mother on the day of My ascension into Heaven. She had this vision at that time, and her heart was consoled on seeing Me depart with such a cortege of souls. She communicated it discreetly to My first Apostles and they, under divine inspiration, transmitted by her, lived and taught about this hope. But now I want to tear the veil that covers this mystery. I want My Church to know openly of this prodigy of love, this triumph of My holy humanity."
My notes have the date: April 11, 1937. But still Jesus revealed something else to me with respect to this.
In the first words of these exalted revelations, Jesus had told me: "And I will show you another phase of this secret." This He made known to me precisely on the 9th of August of that same year, close to the feast of the Assumption of Mary.
Jesus said to me thus: "Now I will tell you the other phase of this great secret, as I promised you. Know it yourself, and with you, may all the Church know it and rejoice: that My Justice has enriched with graces proper to those of My Ascension, the feast of the happy transition of the Virgin Mary from earth to Heaven. For in Heaven, there is the same rejoicing of the angels, of men and of My Heavenly Father, and the identical defeat of the abysses and its wicked one. Therefore, there is a general Armistice from the celebration of its vigil until the octave."
When I heard these words, I was mute with admiration, and then He, Jesus, as with great enthusiasm, said to me: "Praise Me for it, and give Me thanks! And write of it, so that My Church may know of it, and make it known to all souls. And you, keep it in you heart, and await greater graces of My love."
Oh, my brothers and sisters, all of you who are going to read these things, help me to show gratitude to the Lord who has deigned to reveal such marvelous secrets to us, and pray that very soon the Holy Church may succeed in approving, recognizing and teaching this truth, if it is of Faith, for the greater glory of God, the good of souls, and the triumph of that same divine Church. So be it.
Your poor sister, the unworthy messenger of Jesus in Mexico.
Let us praise Mary, who is the Mother of God. Let us extol her. Let us glorify her eternally. Amen.
Note: The feast of the Assumption of Mary into Heaven is August 15. The octave of the feast means: the day of the feast and the seven following days, that is, all the days from August 15 to August 22.
List of some persons who died on these dates.
William Booth (founder of Salvation Army): Aug. 20, 1912
Will Rogers (Cherokee): Aug. 15, 1935
Wiley Post: Aug. 15, 1935
Elvis Presley: Aug. 16, 1977
Vivian Vance: Aug. 17, 1979
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