In these moments, then, I obey, making that meditation indicated by my Lord, so beloved! May He be blessed!

It is two in the afternoon. While meditating on the "Prophetic Canticle of Moses," I noticed where He predicts to the Israelites that they will be dispossessed of their supremacy before God because of their perversions and their wicked hearts.

With this I was filled with a feeling of tenderness for this race, because it is from them that Jesus took His flesh and blood and, without thinking, I asked Him intimately:

"Must this be fulfilled without fail until the end?"

And, contrary to what Our Lord is apt to do with me (He hardly ever likes to answer my questions, because He tells me what He wants to), today, indeed, He answered me:

"Tell My people, My daughter, to repent and to stop persecuting the children of My Church! Tell them to give up their ideas and to submit themselves to My Law, the Law of My Gospel, which is what I have given to My Holy Church; because outside My Church there is no salvation."

Immediately Our Lord again said to me:

"Open the book to where plate 45 appears."

I have opened it and there is a plate or image (painting) in colors of the Blessed Virgin when She was a child. She is seated on the floor with some handiwork on Her knees. Her little hands are joined in an attitude of prayer, Her eyes raised on high, and twelve little angels (their faces only) crown Her. She is seen within a curtain and, at one side, She has Her sewing things and a book; on the floor a basket and a jar as well as a vase of roses and lilies. The title of the picture is: "The Blessed Virgin as a Child," by Francisco Zurbarán. (Picture from the Metropolitan Museum of Art. New York.)

Here Jesus has repeated to me some words that, not too long ago, He said to me:

"My Mother always lived in a state of constant adoration."

But now He has said to me:

"This picture has earned eternal salvation for it author and for many souls. Try to reproduce it and to spread it and to teach graphically how little girls ought to live, in imitation of My Mother, in adoration and recollection; even when working She was always in prayer. There is a lack of pious, modest, holy women so there may be a chaste generation, My daughter. Say so to the whole word; above all, this message should go directly to the schools."

Here I have again asked my Jesus and He has answered me. "Lord, what is the relationship between Exodus and Deuteronomy that You have had me read and the current situation in the world? What do you want to tell me or indicate to me on making me read this now?"

And His reply was:

"I have used and continue using patience, putting up with human beings. And I will continue doing it, but tell all of them to try to give up their lives of vices and sins. Let them read the Holy Bible, above all Exodus to the death of My great prophet, Moses, through whom I gave them My very first Commandments, which have not been abrogated, but confirmed by My Gospel. The precepts of the Old Testament that I gave by means of My servant, Moses, I descended later to perfect with My Law of grace and of love.

"But My children continue provoking Me to anger and this anger will fall upon all the obstinate very soon. And they will be all those who are stubborn and do not amend their lives.

"And, concerning My race, if they do not detest their sins and their incredulity, if they do not humiliate themselves and again become ‘My people,’ I will detest them forever.

"Remember, daughter, that I have taught you always that, on the last day of time, My Justice will be exalted and glorified as much by the just who are saved as by the reprobate who are condemned forever in the eternal fire with the fallen angels.

"Now, be alert, because great signs of My power and of My holy revenge will happen very soon. Just as before, now and always I am the Almighty and I will punish the obstinacy of My wicked children, because I will not tolerate them forever. And with this, enough!"

And Jesus was silent.

I had finished my notes at two-thirty in the afternoon, thinking that Our Lord, on being silent, had ended what he had called me to attend to. Because I felt very week, I lay down for a few minutes. Then I went down to the kitchen and took a little coffee to stimulate me because I was stiff with cold in spite of the high temperature of the season and of the fact that my illness causes me to suffer great heat.

I took the coffee, then and returned to our cell and set about re-reading the preceding passages of the Holy Bible, when my Jesus said to me:


I went to the typewriter and He has dictated this to me:

"This is the last message I will give to the world through you. Let all of them understand how much they are provoking My Justice, to make My wrath fall over the obstinate, especially those who are undermining My Holy Catholic Church and making My beloved Vicar, Paul VI, suffer so much."

After these very solemn words that I heard from the physical voice of my Jesus, I understood why He had me read Exodus and asks that all His children read it and meditate on it, so they may understand all His divine kindness has done for the salvation of human beings. For, how many wonders He has worked by means of His prophets! And, nevertheless, men have been perverted. And how many wonders by means of the Divine Prophet, Jesus, the Christ. . .! And, nevertheless, His first-born chosen people as well as ourselves, who are gentiles, continue offending His Divine Majesty. . .!

That is why He warns us that soon He will pour out His "holy wrath." Indeed, because the wrath of God is holy and just and it will be poured out over all those who offend Him, whether it be Jew or gentile.

I believe that this what this last message comprises: Let all of us put ourselves on guard so each one may rectify his behavior and the incredulous will come to the faith and the believer will conform his acts to the faith he has received from the mouth to God Himself.

Well, after these words, I repeat, Jesus told me others; but these are for me in particular and for my community. Nevertheless, I am going to transcribe them, because that is how I sent out my first notes. My Jesus said to me:

"Now, indeed, My daughter, dedicate you time to publishing these words I have confided to you from the beginning, because later I want to give you some to dedicate to your soul and your community.

"Do not be saddened if I do not lift you from the state you are in, in company with your sisters. Little ones and the upright of heart are agreeable to My eyes, not the great according to the world or to the human way of thinking.

"At the appropriate time I will bring to My Work the souls that are agreeable to Me and suitable for consecrating themselves with Me as victims of atonement before My Justice. All the rest, My daughter, is worth nothing; they are grandeurs of the earth and not of Heaven. Love Me! And tell those who surround you in this Work to give Me all their love, to give themselves up to My cross and the rest I will do with My power and My glory!

"I will come to you many times yet, but I will not give you even one message more for the world or for My Church. Rather, all I have announced through you they will see fulfilled. Adore Me! Love Me! And go on in peace!"

And during these moments when my Jesus ceased speaking, I felt, as on other occasions, the caress of Jesus’ hand on my forehead.

From then until now when I am writing these notes an hour has transpired. It is three-thirty in the afternoon.

May it be for the glory of God!

The poor "Portavoz of Jesus"

Who offers everything for the good of all my brothers and sisters in Christ and the Blessed Virgin.

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