Jesus seeks in vain. . .no one pays attention to Him! How few souls attend to His call: "I want virgin souls to consecrate themselves to Me as sacramental spouses." He who longs to communicate to these souls so very many heavenly, divine things! He seeks in vain because "even children of tender age," as He says, are offending in this matter. Already they, too, are occupied in surprising conversations. Already they delight their eyes contemplating obscene magazines. The young girls. . .what are they doing? In what are they occupied? Impurities in dress, in everything. And the divine eyes of Jesus see everything, everywhere. . .and He continues enclosed in the Tabernacles, hoping we might come to Him. And, at times, He sends to earth a vestige of His sorrow. . .and. . .who pays attention to Him? There are so few chaste souls, pure souls, souls consecrated to Him. . .

"The demon of lust has his reign in the world to such a degree that," He says, "in all the states of life he is deceitfully enthroned, making malice awaken in hearts, and there are neither simple nor pure eyes." What horror! Innocence agonizing, so to speak, on earth, and on the day when all innocence dies, the day when there is no pure soul. . .what will happen?

"Even the children of tender age lack the virtue of purity." Have we heard it? And do we not fall dead of affliction and sorrow? The day of final punishment, will it be that? Then, who wold be able to be saved? When children are perverted, what must there be left on earth that would not merit the repelling of God, Who is all purity?

With how much reason, then, on the day we fill to the brim the measure God must tolerate of our wickedness. .with how much reason we could await that punishment.

Jesus adds to His revelations something that is perfectly in accord with theological truths: "When the day of final judgment arrives, I, Who am now the innocent and merciful Victim, will then be the Judge of Justice without appeal. Then I will condemn the obstinate with the wicked, that is, with the devils, and this, for all eternity."

His revelation is concise, clear, definite. "Then I will be the Judge of Justice without appeal." Then mercy will cease and Divine Justice will begin to reign forever, repaying itself what we owe Him, taking the just to Heaven and the obstinate to Hell.

On that great day. . .there will be no clemency for the obstinate. But now, He still invites us to reconciliation with His Justice. For He tells us, "I will be with you for yet a little while as Victim; but only a short time remains. It is necessary to activate your forces. It is necessary to be prepared, for the final hour is now not far off."

Now, Jesus still advises us, exhorts us and awaits us. He calls us to penance. He calls us to purify ourselves and to help Him rescue other souls with our prayers, with our surrender as victims in proportion to the sins of others. Let us make use of the opportunity in which we now live! Tomorrow, perhaps, may be too late. . .

There are souls of heretics, not even baptized, but there are others that go through the mire of the world, staining their baptismal garment. Oh, grief! For they resemble the wicked. . .mired in worldly things and the impurities of that corrupting world.

Forty years ago Jesus was already complaining of the looseness of social customs. . .and what is it at present? Then, He said thus: "I want the mothers of families to attend to the formation of their children with zeal for glory, bringing them up in religion, not for the world, but for Heaven."

This is as to say that the woman in the home, the mother of the family, is to be dedicated to educating her children in the sound customs of the Church so that, from those families, there may arise a holy people, new, chaste, strong in virtue. And He adds: "I want the fathers of families to be an example to their children and the support of their wives in the pious formation of their home.

"I want youth to restrain their passions, freeing themselves from leading a life so similar to that of the wicked, as they are now doing.

"Let the women not dress immodestly.

"Let the men be concerned with God and with their work and not go about inebriated by pleasures and vices.

"Let the preoccupation for material goods be replaced by humble submission to My designs."

Do we hear it? He was asking this, He was warning of this, He was recommending this, and thus our Divine Redeemer was complaining, forty years ago. What will we say now. . .?

And He concluded saying categorically, "Luxury and fashion will be their perdition." They are the enemies of the soul who battle with the virtue of purity. Are we not already witnesses to it? There exists at the present time a true perdition because of luxury, fashions and carnal deviations: so many abuses. . .

The Lord has always given us the wisest programs of life. But. . .the world, disobedient and obstinate, continues its march toward the abyss. The programs the Divine Teacher gives us, in conformance with His doctrine, are the path to go to Heaven. But mankind goes flinging itself giddily along the opposite path.

Let us remember the Gospel: "Broad is the way that leadeth to destruction, and many there are who go in thereat. Narrow is the path that leadeth to life [Heaven] and few there are who find it." (Matt 7, 13-14)

Souls who come to the foot of the Tabernacle to meditate on these words of eternal life from the Divine Eucharistic Guest you are adoring here now with faith and love, do not forget the complaints of this Jesus, Victim; words that must pierce your hearts as a two-edged sword, a most ardent sword. . . Do you not feel it? Do not let yourselves as well be among those who commit such faults as those of which He complains.
